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House Fire on Lexington Way
April 26, 2024
At 5:17 the department was dispatched for a dwelling fire at 103 Lexington Way. Chief 69 responded and was advised by PD on location with a smoke condition in the building. Upon arrival Chief 69 found a working fire on side C and requested working fire dispatch and central ops 1 for working frequency. Ladder 69 responded with 4 and was advised to stretch 2 lines to the rear for fire attack. Engine 69-1 responded with 5 and was instructed to lay a supply line from Ladder 69 to the hydrant and send staffing to the Ladder. Engine 34-1 arrived and proceeded to check for extension and completed search and evacuation. Engine 69-5, Engine 33-5 and Tanker 34 supplied Ladder 69 until the supply line was established. Utility companies secured the water and power to the building. The fire was placed under control at 6:08 and advised for Berks Fire Marshall to the scene. All units went available at 9:40. We would like to thank all the stand by companies for relocating .